All tests were conducted on the VP6 with 128MB CAS2 SDRAM, ABIT Siluro GF2
MX VGA card, and a 20GB Maxtor DiamondMax ATA/100 IDE hard drive.
A quick Sandra test was up first:

These results were pretty much exactly what I expected to see. The CPU
scores are excellent, while the memory scores are less than thrilling.
They confirm what everybody has been saying: you absolutely must tweak the
memory settings with VIA chipset motherboards. Later, by setting the DRAM
timings in the BIOS to "Turbo," the DRAM bank interleaving to
"4-Way," and the SDRAM cycle length to 2 -and with the CPUs
still at 800/133- I was able to push these numbers up into the far more
satisfying area of 398 and 402MB/s for CPU and FPU bandwidth.
I am including the results of the Sandra hard drive test here as well.
Keep in mind that I did NOT use the HighPoint controller for these tests,
nor did I test the RAID capabilities of this board. (That subject will be
treated in a full-length article here next week.) However, I wanted to see
if VIA's 686B south bridge was providing 100kb/s transfer rates. Clearly
it was not:

Yuk. An update to version 4.29 of the 4 in 1 drivers did not improve
this situation; in fact it pushed the score down to 9128. Later, when all
the tests were done, I plugged the hard drive into one of the HighPoint
ports and all my fears were realized: the system immediately began to
behave strangely, randomly mislettering drives, and occasionally ignoring
my CD-RW completely.
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