Finally, I wanted to see how well the 686B
south bridge was coping with the very fast 7,200 RPM ATA/100 hard drive
from Western Digital I was using. Sandra's hard drive test resulted in a
score of 21092.
This absolutely blows away scores I'd seen
with this exact same drive on other motherboards with the 686B south
bridge. I have heard that there can be great variance in performance from
individual VIA chips, so it is difficult to say whether I got a chipset
from a very good week/fab, or if ASUS has just done an impeccable job with
the A7V133. In any case, a run of HD Tach backed up these results:
Next I decided to check ATA100 performance
on the Promise controller. Fortunately I encountered no problems when
merely switching the current drive over to the chip's primary IDE port.
The Sandra tests revealed performance just a hair better than the 686B's:
But look at the HD Tach results:
Whereas on the 686B, the drive had started
out above 30,000 KB/s it immediately dropped down to 25,000 and make a
quick dive around the 5.38 mark, on the Promise channel, it remained at a
pretty constant 25,000. Also, the Promise's random access time is
marginally better, and its read burst speed is significantly better. In
the future, I think I'll leave the hard drive here (despite the extra 1.3%
CPU utilization) and keep the CD-RW on
the native channel.
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