Deep Ocean Screen
If you like high-quality 3D demos, are into scuba diving, or are simply looking for something interesting to do with all those idle CPU cycles, this is something you’ll want to check out: Deep Ocean, the top of the line screen saver from Leading Interactive, a Swedish 3D software company. A simulation of a complete underwater environment, Deep Ocean is hailed by its designers as “probably the most advanced screensaver ever made so far.”

Leading Interactive’s screen savers division ( has been plying their trade since 1999. In that short space of time, they have produced a dozen or so spectacular screen savers, all of which rank far above the norm in inventiveness and quality of visuals. They first came to my attention with their MIR Reentry saver, an animated depiction of the craft’s firey descent into the earth’s atmosphere and across the Fijian sky. That first taste was enough to make me go back and sample their entire collection.
MIR Reentry, like most of LI’s screen savers, is available for free download. As their premier offering, Deep Ocean costs $14.95, but at the time of writing, LI is including a second pay saver, “Desk Water” with each Deep Ocean purchase. LI also creates custom screen savers, which can serve as a very effective marketing device for your company. If you are interested in this service, e-mail them at
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