After having looked at it in such great depth, I'm going to have to
agree with LI: Deep Ocean is indeed the most advanced screen saver that I
have ever seen. The AI is its most interesting aspect. It is
very rewarding to have the diver glance very quickly to the left or right
just in time to see the school of fish scatter as the dolphin breaks them up, and to have him continue watching as the school reforms and swims off
in a different direction, the diamond pattern of sunlight playing off
their backs. If you're not looking for aliens or folding@home,
this screen saver is a very cool way to keep your system busy when you're
not using it. I would like to have seen a little more detail on the
weeds and rocks, but that didn't really mar my overall apprecaition of the
screen saver. In any case, LI say they are working on a new
"secret project" that will take the "most advanced screen
saver" laurels away from Deep Ocean. All we know now for certain is
that it will take place in the mountains. We hope that it will
employ AI at least as sophisticated as that of Deep Ocean, and even better
bump mapping.
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