Read Speed
To measure speed, we used CDSpeed99, as usual. The green curve indicates the the rate process, the yellow the rotation rate.
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CD-R |
CD-R |
The advertised 32x read rate is no problem for the PleXWriter 12/10/32A. It is easily reached with “normal” CD-ROM media, such as original CDs, as well as green and blue CD-Rs. The nearly constant rotation rate guarantees a linear gain in speed.
The PleXWriter obviously does not reach the stated RW rate of 10x. This is however quite common; because of its redescribability, writers’ lasers have a more difficult time data from this kind of medium. Therefore CD-RW transfer rates are usually 50-75% lower than those for other media, and the PleXWriter acheives that 75% maximum, with a terminal velocity of 24.
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