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 ABIT Siluro T400 

The Card
Test Systems
Quake III Arena
3DMark 2001
3DMark 2001, Continued
Overclocking & Conclusions
Author: A.Wei
simyo - Weil einfach einfach einfach ist.

ABIT Siluro T400

Quake III Arena

Quake III Arena Timedemo 1 was the first test we ran. At the "Fastest" there were no big surprises, except that with the P4 the T400 gave almost no improvement over the GF2 MX. This is where we had expected to see the greatest difference, as the core clock's extra 25MHz could perform without being hindered by the limited memory bandwidth.

At "Normal," we see more of the same, but with the Athlon, the T400's advantage over the GF2 MX decreases as the memory bandwidth strain starts to show. Again, with the P4, the T400's advantage over the GF2 MX is negligible, and the GF256 with its 120MHz core is left way in the dust. 

With "High Quality" came the big surprises. We had expected to see the difference between the two MXes level off here, but with the Athlon, it remained about the same, and with the P4, the T400 finally took off:


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