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 ABIT Siluro T400 

The Card
Test Systems
Quake III Arena
3DMark 2001
3DMark 2001, Continued
Overclocking & Conclusions
Author: A.Wei
simyo - Weil einfach einfach einfach ist.

ABIT Siluro T400


Our final test was the business application OpenGL-rendering SpecViewPerf v6.1.2. The most interesting thing it reveals is that in real-world, non-gaming applications, there is actually little difference between these cards. When one card beats out another, it is by very little, and is often beaten itself in the same test by another card on the other CPU. The one clear trend that we can see is that the P4's 1.4GHz finally show up here.

Detonator3 12.0 drivers

We have a further reason for including this test. We have previously mentioned the unofficial v12.0 drivers that we tested these cards with. They first came to our attention when we found this page on ZDNet Germany claiming they improved SpecViewPerf scores by 90%. 

We want to stress that they do not boost the scores by 90% by any means. They do however improve the P4 scores in the AWadvs-04 and DX-06 sections of this test by 50%. Athlon scores remained unchanged.

The 12.0 drivers also affected  the other tests, but those effects were so scatter-brained that I chose not to include them here. For example, they improved Quake III scores (at "Normal") by as much as 30% on the P4, but actually lowered the Athlon scores. They also improved the 3DMark scores somewhat, adding a random extra point here or there. The biggest effect on the 3D Mark score, as we have mentioned, was to boost the Point Sprites score of all 3 cards with both CPUs to exactly 5.0.

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