ABIT Siluro T400
3DMark 2001, Part 2
Continuing to break the 3D Mark score up among its various components reveals some interesting peices of information.
In the single-texture fill rate tests, all three cards and both processors perform almost identically. But in the multi-texture fillrate tests, both the GF256 and T400 take off ahead of the GF2 MX, presumably taking advantage of the extra rendering pipelines in the first case, and of the heightened core clock in the second.
The 1-light high polygon test also yields interesting results: the P4 system skyrockets ahead of the Athlon system, though at the 8-light test
both systems are nearly identical.
On the DOT3 test, the GF2 MX with the P4 performs miserably. This is particularly inexplicable as it does just fine with the Athlon.
The last two sections of 3D Mark 2001 are the DirectX8-specific tests, Vertex Shading and Point Sprites. These results are interesting in that not only do all three cards perform almost identically, but also that the P4 so consistently underperforms the Athlon. Clearly some driver improvement is needed here to let the P4 handle DirectX8 better.
In fact, some driver improvement has been done: I also ran these tests with unofficial Detonator3 v12.0 drivers, and though the Vertex Shading scores did not change a hair, the Point Sprites scores for all three cards with both processors were boosted to exactly 5.0.
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